Bags & More
Something interesting can be found for everyone in Bags & More’s rich offer of handbags, travelling program and other accessories. Trendy handbags that surprise with a wide palette of colors, patterns and models are available this season. They sell products from acknowledged brands: Picard, Betty Barclay, Benetton, Sisley, Esprit, Oilily, PIP Studio and Agatha Ruiz de la Prada. Those who swear by a more relaxed, sporty appearance can choose among the collections Brunotti and Eastpak. Cheer yourself up with a purchase of a new suitcase from the brands Roncato, Benzi, Esprit or Carlton before you go on vacation. The youngest have not been forgotten either, for them you can choose a present from the Nici and My First Nici collections.

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2380 Slovenj Gradec
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